Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My bucket list

In no particular order...

1. Be an extra in a movie.  Preferably some kind of zombie or monster, or possibly just a dead body.  Loads of blood would be awesome.

2. Go diving with sharks.

3. Climb a mountain.  Not Everest or anything, a small mountain would be good, I don't want frostbite or elevation sickness.

4. Publish a novel through a traditional publisher.  I know, I'm an indie, but it's been a long-term goal for so long I can't give it up.  It doesn't have to sell well, and I don't have to have a million dollar multiple-book contract, just the one so long as it's print and through a real publisher.

5. Finally take a yoga class.

6. Have sex in a coat-check during business hours.

7. Stand under a blooming sakura tree in Japan.

8. Paint something worthy of fine gallery space.  (I've had a show, but not in a fine gallery)

9. Make a good friend on every continent.

10. Sell a million ebooks.

Anyone else?

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